
Activity image of 3 Favorite Upper Body Mobility Drills

July 29, 2021

3 Favorite Upper Body Mobility Drills


Here are my top 3 upper body mobility drills. 1) Cobra How I like to load this movement: 2 - 3 sets of: 3 - 6 repetitions or isometric holds 5s - 20s First thing to think about is that this is primarily a pulling movement not a pushing movement. Hands are placed next to the chest/ribcage, drawing the elbows in towards the body. Take the time to roll the shoulders back first and make sure that they are set before you begin moving. Then, on your inhale, begin engaging the musculature of the back to pull your chest up, at the same time your hands are pressing down into the floor. It is important to continue drawing the elbows in towards the body and maintain the down & back position of your shoulder blades for the duration of the set or reseting after each repetition. 2) Serratus Wall Drill How I like to load this movement: 2 - 3 sets of: 3 - 10 repetitions or isometric holds 5s - 20s Key here is to engage and press your forearms into the foam roller, protracting the shoulder blades before you begin the movement. This keeps the roller from falling off the wall and it helps prevent compensation during the exercise. In addition, keep the core engaged and the back straight. You can allow your weight to naturally shift forwards as you press up, maintaining the pressure of forearms to the roller, keeping the shoulder blades protracted. 3) Standing shoulder extensions How I like to load this movement: 2 - 3 sets of 5 - 15 repetitions Start by finding a strong stance and engaging through the core. This is important because you want to make sure that the hips and spine are staying still and not helping you compensate to lift the dowel higher. Engage through the grip, get the shoulders set down and back, and keep the elbows straight, then begin extending through the shoulders

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